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Look of the day ...

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                                                                                             boots: isabel marant,
                                                                                             shorts: bershka,
                                                                                             blouse: zara,
                                                                                             belt: accessorize,
                                                                                             sunglasses: ray ban,
                                                                                             bracelet and watch: morellato,
                                                                                             ph. me

After I made a new board on the Pinterest, "Match me", I decided to make my own version of it on the blog too.:) It will be something that I already wore or that I planned for the upcoming days. It can be inspiration for you or reminder for me for the regular outfit posts.
What do you think about this one? Would you add something or not? Would you wear it? :)


Got to play it right ...

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                                                                                              sandals: zara,
                                                                                              jeans: bershka,
                                                                                              t-shirt: new yorker,
                                                                                              belt: mango,
                                                                                              bracelet: morellato,
                                                                                              watch: morellato,
                                                                                              ring: parfois,
                                                                                              sunglasses: ray ban,
                                                                                              ph. Maja

New favorite sandals, old but still good jeans and t-shirt with numbers were my choice for Monday. Do you like it?
I'm in the mood for some dancing, so press PLAY! ;)


Fun ...

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                                                                                                ph. Slava Micic

Some of the Sundays look just like this: comfy shoes or in my case boots, bag on the shoulder, great company, tasty food and lots of laugh!
During the last weekend Jelena and I were with lovely and super talented girl Slava Micic (you gotta check her blog and instagram @slavamicic, you will love it too). We were showing her one part of Belgrade, new places, cafes and some old streets. While we were talking, Slava caught these moments and I wanted to share some of them with you (you can find more Here).  And they are damn good! I'm totally in love!
Someone said "give girl a camera or two and she will be happy" or this quote doesn't exist at all, but it's true!  ;)


What's In My Bag ...

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                                                                                              ph. me

In my previous non-blogger-chaotic-but-I-still-love-it life my bag would look like this. Perfectly organized, with so many things inside. Nowadays, I can barely do something beside the work, so my bags are in pretty mess.
And what I'm carrying lately, you can see on the photos. Tissues, wallet, documents, keys etc. are not photogenic so you will excuse them. :)
Shall we start:
1. the first and the most important thing is definitely the phone. Life without capturing every precious moment isn't interesting at all!
2. Hand fix - when my hands start crying because of the fact that I don't even spent one hand cream package for a whole year, I give them an instant scrub and moisture with this super set.
3. Red lipstic - if I were a girly girl, you would see me with sophisticated lips more often, but I love the fact that this matte color is in my bag.
4. Morellato - bracelet is definitely one of my favorite jewelry pieces lately, and I'm not wearing it in my bag, it's just on the photo to fulfill the place, usually I wear it on my hands. ;)
5. Raen sunglasses - to sleep while nobody can notice you.
6. Bourjois - loose powder to prevent the shiny face and last but not least
7. Duracell USB charger - which I got thanks to Duracell.  It comes as a super great help when you see that awful sign "battery low". For those who are constantly on the go it offers a convenient and affordable solution to charge your device on the go. And my favorite place to do that is in my bag, while I'm doing so many things during the day! It's compatible with smartphones and devices that have a micro or mini USB port and it can charge my smart camera too. Perfect for all the girls and boys who are madly in love with their gadgets and can't stand empty batteries. :) 
Soon I will show you updated post with my favorite make up and skin care products, Sunday in Belgrade (with lovely bloggers guest) and new outfit post! :)
 Stay tuned!


Turn up the music II ...

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                                                                                       boots: zara,
                                                                                       shorts: bershka,
                                                                                       shirt: stradivarius,
                                                                                       shirt: thanks to sheinside,
                                                                                       sunglasses: ray ban,
                                                                                       watch: michael kors,
                                                                                       bracelets: accessorize,
                                                                                       rings: parfois, from turkey,
                                                                                       bag: V73
                                                                                       ph. Maja

Well, it was a hella shit week and that's the main reason for not giving you any update! Pardon my French, but girls needs to type these bad words somewhere occasionally!:) I manage to survive thanks to the weekend short trips and hanging out with my family and three fluffy angels. Batteries are charged to the one green line so here I'm again!
Boots and shorts, plaid shirt and lots of small jewelry pieces. Simple as that!
Do you like it?

p.s. thank you for your lovely comments  I will definitely continue with the recipes! :) Now I'm off to reply to all of your questions!


Chocolate mousse with raspberries ...

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                                                                                           ph. me

There is no better day to share with you my new favorite recipe than Saturday. You are still drunk from last night, and you need something to wake you up. And the best solution is to prepare the most delicious chocolate mousse ever! ;)
This chocolate mousse with raspberries is recipe from lovely Lorraine Pascale and you can find it HERE in English. I couldn't explain better than her in a million years! Its pretty much simple just follow her steps and you will have it on your table in less than 30 minutes!
Bon App�tit! 


Nakon du�e pauze, rubrika sa receptima ponovo krece! :)
Iako sam imala jaku �elju da sve korake u pripremi ispratim i fotografijom, u jednom trenutku je postalo neizvodljivo jer je oduzimalo previ�e vremena. Veliki broj fotografija, njihov odabir, pravljenje kola�a, ucinilo je da ova rubrika padne u neki deseti plan. Ali zbog velike ljubavi prema kuvanju i �elje da i taj segment podelim sa vama, kao i va�ih brojnih pitanja o tome, ucinilo je ponovo "�ivom". :) 
Cokoladni mus sa malinama je prvi na listi, kao recept koji sam sa mamom spremala svakog vikenda proteklih mesec dana. Izvor: Lorraine Pascale.
Za svega 15-20 minuta dobicete neverovatno ukusan slatki�, za koji verujem da cete ga cesto pripremati. 
2dcl slatke pavlake
3 jaja
100gr. mlecne cokolade
100gr. cokolade za kuvanje
1 ka�ika kristal �ecera
2 ka�ike �ecera u prahu

U �erpu staviti slatku pavlaku i cokoladu da se rastopi na slabijoj temperaturi ( potrebno je oko 5 minuta).
Za to vreme, umutite belanca, kada dostigne srednju cvrstinu dodajte ka�iku kristal �ecera, mutiti dok belanca ne postanu sjajna, potom dodati ka�iku �ecera u prahu, mutiti, i neposredno pre kraja dodati i drugu ka�iku �ecera u prahu.
U rastopljenu smesu cokolade i slatke pavlake dodati jedno po jedno �umance, umutiti rucno (mutilicom, varjacom). 
Potom dodati umucena belanca, postepeno i laganim pokretima kako bi smesa ostala vazdu�asta.
Sipati u cinije, ostaviti da se ohladi. 
Neposredno pre slu�enja, na vrh dodati maline i �ecer u prahu.

Prijatno! :)

p.s. pored malina, mo�e se dodati i drugo voce po �elji naravno, ako isprobate javite! :) 


Floral ...

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                                                                                           sandals: miss sixty,
                                                                                           pants: zara,
                                                                                           shirt: mango,
                                                                                           blazer: sheinside,
                                                                                           bag: michael kors,
                                                                                           sunglasses: raen,
                                                                                           bracelet: morellato (here),
                                                                                           watch: morellato (here),
                                                                                           ph. Masa

If you are following me on my favorite network Instagram (@vanjaam), you could see several photos with these floral pants, and today I wanted to share the whole look.
Despite the colorful print, they are easy to match. I wear them with ballet flats, sandals and high heels too. With simple shirts or blazers and I'm ready in a snap! ;) And this white, gorgeous watch came as cherry on top!
Do you like it?

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