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Fashiolista & Fashion and style Giveaway


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Hello lovelies, are you ready for  new giveaway? I'm pretty excited about the whole thing, especially because it's involved with one my favorite fashion sites Fashiolista ! You probably heard about them, but for those who aren't, here is something about them:
On you can create your own personal profile in ten seconds, which enables you to add every fashion find your trained eyes stumble along while shopping online. With one click on the easy installed heart-button in your browser you can start sharing your personal fashion style with the rest of Fashiolistas members. When someone likes your style, they can start following you and love your items. You can also love someone else�s fabulous finds or start following their style. Every item has a link to the webshop where you can purchase the find. So basically Fashiolista is the perfect website to share your fashion inspiration. It's like a twitter for fashion!
The most famous fashion bloggers like Chiara from the Blonde Salad, Andy from Stylecrapbook, Sabrina from Afterdrk and many, many others has their Fashiolista profiles , so what are you waiting?! :)

And now here is what you need to do if you want to win a 50$ gift voucher  for Modcloth online clothing, accessories and decor retailer, it's really easy:

                       1. you need to register on  Fashiolista (if you aren't done that already) by clicking HERE
                       2. you need to Love the gift voucher on Fashiolista by clicking love button HERE
                       3. you need to start following me on Fashiolista HERE 
                       4. you need to start following my blog with google connect on the right side of blog HERE

That's it! Just follow those simple steps, and you are on the right way for winning a 50$ gift voucher! 
Giveaway is open for two weeks, from 4th of August, till the 18th of August, and soon after that Fashiolista will decide who is the winner and i will make announcement here on my blog! 
A huge thanks for all those who will participate and GOOD LUCK! 

Zahvaljujuci Fashiolista sajtu,  imate priliku da ucestvujete u novom giveaway-u koji ce trajati do 18-og avgusta, nakon cega ce Fashiolista ubrzo odluciti ko je pobednik, a ja cu naravno objaviti ime i na blogu! Ovog puta, poklon je vaucer u iznosu od 50$ koji mo�ete potro�iti na Modcloth sajtu gde mo�ete pronaci dosta zanimljivih stvari i sami izabrati svoj poklon! :) 
Fashiolista je mesto gde mo�ete napraviti profil za samo nekoliko sekundi, a ukoliko instalirate i Love dugme na va�em pretra�ivacu, va�e modne pronalaske mo�ete deliti sa ostalim Fashiolista clanovima koji ce vas pratiti. 

Pravila za ucestovanje u ovom giveaway-u su jednostavna, a potrebno je da uradite sledece:
                   1. ukoliko vec nemate Fashiolista profil, potrebno je da se registrujete, mo�ete uciniti OVDE,
                   2. kliknete na Love dugme, kako bi ste "lajkovali" vaucer koji predstavlja poklon, OVDE
                   3. "zapratite" moj Fashiolista profil, OVDE i
                   4.pocnete da pratite blog preko google connect-a,koji se nalazi sa desne strane na blogu,OVDE

Hvala svima koji budu ucestvovali, �elim vam puno srece! :)
p.s. po�to uvek zapratim sve one koji me prate na Fashiolista sajtu, imacu u vidu �ta je to �to lajkujete i �ta vam se najvi�e od aktuelnih trendova  i klasicnih komada dopada! :)
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